Dr. Jenny Roche - Cognitive Psychologist


I am an Associate Professor (2014-present) with a joint faculty appointment in Speech Pathology & Audiology and Educational Psychology at Kent State University. I was trained in cognitive psychology/science using eye-tracking, computer mouse-tracking, and other behavioral techniques. My research interests are related to how cognitive science and social contexts impact cognition, communication, and miscommunication. I direct the MADI Lab (Miscommunication and Dialogue Interaction Lab), but also a faculty member researcher in the Educational Psychology (EPSY) Lab. 

Education: I completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in the Center for Language Sciences at the University of Rochester, received my PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Memphis (2011), an M.A. in Psychological Sciences from James Madison university (2007), and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2004). 

Lab: I am currently accepting doctoral students (Speech Pathology or Educational Psychology) and undergraduate researchers. Check out the MADI Lab and follow us on twitter @MADILab_KSU. 

Teaching: I teache courses in cognition, neuroscience, research methods, statistics, and psycholinguistics in both Speech Pathology and/or Educational Psychology. I have a students first philosophy, which is closely aligned with the KSU mission. 

Open Science: My work can be found on the open science framework. We now include our data analysis and data (for projects with IRB approval) posted: osf.io/s7fjn

© Jenny Roche 2022