Travel with me and other Kent State University students to the


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The course

SPA 40489 & EPSY 5/70093
Cognition of Conversation, Miscommunication, & Learning

The Location

I am teaching a course in both the Paris (June session) and Florence (July session) in the Paris and Florence Summer Institutes. There are lots of amazing courses you could sign up for, consider signing up for mine!


June (May 26 - June 22)
July (June 30 - July 24)

The Instructor

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Dr. Jenny Roche
Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology
Department of Learning Sciences
Course Details: This is a course on conversational pragmatics (how we use language, beyond the words we use) in which we will learn about cognitive, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, and linguistic theories about language use and understanding in a cross cultural context. In this class, we will learn about the importance of ambiguity and miscommunication to promote successful and engaging communication. I will teach you to be the best miscommunicator, so you can be the best communicator you can be!

Course Syllabus

Interested? Meet with me!
Schedule a Meeting
in person

Some useful information

Informational Video

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What did students think?

"This course allowed me to really delve deeper into the experience, using communication and miscommunication in a way that helped me grow."

"Sometimes when we limit ourselves to our familiar spaces, we miss out on experiences that could allow us to emerge in cultural environment that differ from our own. … I didn't want to regret missing out on this experience
and I am so glad I didn't!"